Title: Coconut Salmon
1. Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Add the onion, chilies, garlic and ginger, and cook for 5-6 minutes, until fairly soft. Place mixture in a food processor with 1/2 cup of coconut milk, and blend until smooth.
2. Put the mixture into the slow cooker. Stir in 1 tsp fo cumin, the ground coriander, and the remaining coconut milk. Cover and cook on high for 1.5 hours.
3. About 20 minutes before the end of the cooking time, arrange the salmon steaks in a single layer in a shallow glass dish. Combine the remaining 1 tsp cumin, the chili powder turmeric, vinegar, and salt in a bowl to make a paste. Rub the mixture over the salmon steaks and leave to marinate at toom temperature whie the sauce finishes cooking.
4. Add the salmon steaks to the sauce, arranging them in a single layer, spooning some of the coconut sauce voer the top to keep the fish moist while it cooks. Cover, and cook on low for 45 minutes to 1 hour, until the salmon is opaque and tender.
5. Transfer the fish to a serving dish, cover with sauce, and garnish with the cilantro. Serve over rice.